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Rack Safety Awareness Training at Your Workplace

Need Rack Safety Awareness Training by our SEMA Approved Racking Inspectors? Choose A-Z Rack Inspections Ltd with confidence and call us on 07917664940.

Rack Safety Awareness Training at Your Workplace 

We are delighted to offer our racking inspection training services across the entire UK, ensuring that your workplace receives comprehensive and tailored instruction.

For a complimentary consultation and a quote with no obligation, kindly complete the form below, and we will promptly get in touch to discuss the possibility of providing racking inspection training at your business premises.

Is Rack Safety Awareness Training Mandatory in the UK?

While rack safety awareness training is not a legal requirement in the UK, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that staff conduct regular internal racking inspections, supplemented by an annual expert inspection by a SEMA approved rack inspector. To facilitate your staff in performing these routine inspections, we offer racking inspection safety training conducted by our SEMA approved rack inspector.

While not mandated by law, regulations stipulate that it is the responsibility of business owners to ensure their warehouse employees are competent to carry out racking inspections. We strongly advocate for racking inspection training by a SEMA approved rack inspector to meet these competence requirements.

This is why we extend our course nationwide, ensuring accessibility across the UK.

Advantages of Racking Inspection Safety Training at Your Location:

  • Flexible Schedule: Our training adapts to your schedule, offering flexibility in terms of timing and days. Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.

  • Tailored to Your Warehouse: Conducting training at your premises allows for immediate practical application. We can demonstrate the inspection process within your familiar warehouse setting, providing hands-on experience and addressing any specific questions about your racking system.

  • Broader Participation: By hosting training at your premises, a larger number of staff members can learn the intricacies of regular racking inspections. This inclusive approach ensures that both a significant number of employees and the person responsible for racking safety (PRRS) receive comprehensive training. Empowering more staff members with the skills and confidence to conduct racking inspections benefits your business by enabling more frequent staff-led inspections.

Request a Quote for Rack Awareness Training: